
Showing posts from August, 2013

Yii multiple select dropdownlist with default values

So I was coding a form in Yii, and came across a situation where I had a value of 0111110 (no, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, no) that I needed to pre-populate values in a multiple select drop down. This didn't seem like it should be that hard, but the Yii documentation lacked a bit there. The first step was to split out the string. $optionValues = str_split($model->variable); Now, we create a blank array to hold our options. $options = array(); Then, we go through those options and set selected on the ones that need selected. foreach ($optionValues as $optionKey=>$optionVal) {      if ($optionVal) {         $options[$optionKey] = array('selected' => 'selected');     } } Now, we render the drop down list. echo $form->dropDownList($model, 'variable', array('0' => 'Zero', '1' => 'One','2'=>'Two','3' => 'Three', '4' => 'Four', '5' =&g