Sweet new tennis product

As many of you know, I'm a huge tennis fan. I love watching Nadal or Djokovic play at their best, but even more I love to hit the courts myself.

One of the problems with playing myself is improving. I've found video analysis of matches to be helpful, but it's been difficult to get a decent camera angle for recording matches. I can either get the view from behind or from the side, which is great for stroke analysis but lacks the best view for reviewing my shot selection, court positioning and overall strategy.

However, that's all about to change. A new product, debuting next month, is going to make a good camera angle possible for the average tennis player. It's called the VolleyCam, and the first generation was just about having a tripod that would extend to 13' in the air. The second version, which is what I got to demo, is a much simpler design that hangs on a back curtain or fence and allows for easy adjustment of the camera to get the entire court into view.

I recently took it out, along with my Flip Ultra HD, to see just how well it worked. After about 30 seconds of setup, I was ready to go and play. I set both cameras to record and played a match. While the match itself isn't the important part, viewing the results is. I'm including a video I posted on YouTube here to show the differece. I think the results speak for themselves.

I believe every serious tennis player will be interested in purchasing one of these. They'll be available soon at the volley cam website.


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