May 2021 updates

 Lots of work has been done since I last posted. Everything feels different, and gigs have been scheduled. It's time to get ready to play live again.

Maiden Voyage

We're playing a primarily hispanic audience show in a few weeks. New bass player is continuing to learn the songs, new guitar player keeps impressing me with his resolve, and as a band we feel ready for a couple hours of Maiden music. We're also playing a benefit for our lost blood brother in July, where we'll be playing the set list we did at our final show with him. Somehow, Live After Death seems fitting for that show, so that's what we're performing. We also have a special "something" planned for the first song which should hit everyone right in the feels.

Pop Band

We're currently using the name Hard Candy for this one. We're going to be playing a couple of benefit shows to get things started on stage. One is for our former drummer Dan and also the one with Maiden Voyage in Bill's honor. We'll see how things go on stage and then get ready for longer shows after we see what the audience responds to.

Praise Band

Worship is moving to a gymnasium for a bit as the sanctuary gets renovated. This should create all sorts of fun new problems with sound. Luckily, I just play and don't have to figure all that out. Sometimes it's good to be a hired gun.

Prog Band

We're closing in on our full lineup. We have a singer that was great that we're going to try doing an original song with here shortly (he auditioned with some Dream Theater and it was fantastic), and we've got a drummer auditioning next weekend. Once that's all solidified, we'll be moving on to recording and getting shows lined up. Exciting times.

But wait... there's one more!

Since I wasn't doing enough already, I'm also now playing in a grunge / alternative band called Panik. The first show is a class reunion, so that's an interesting choice of bands, but it should be fun. I think the target audience is 90% soccer moms, so maybe it'll work for a class reunion -- Who knows? I guess I will in a matter of weeks.

Oh, and before I forget...

I'm also filling in on bass for a show in the park during John C Fremont Days for a 50's/60's/70's thing. There's some country in there, but I'll just wear ear plugs. Either way, it's an easy gig with 18 songs.

Too busy?

It may seem like an extra busy schedule, but it keeps me going. Next stop... the stage!


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