New SEO podcast, coming soon to an iPod near you

David Brown and I did some looking at SEO podcasts online. What we found was lots of podcasts we could stick into two categories.

  1. Advanced SEO Podcasts. There are good, available on, but very intimidating for newbies.
  2. Beginner Bad Advice Podcasts. Yeah, we found some beginner podcasts, but the advice was awful - ranging from "Create doorways" to "stuff your meta tags with keywords".
So, as they said on the movie Robots, See a need - Fill a need. Starting next week, David and I will be doing an SEO Podcast focused on beginning techniques, explaining recent SEO news at a beginner level, and giving long-term strategies for people to keep in mind. I'm sure there will be some things that experienced SEO's will be laughing at as well as techniques they can learn from, but we want to make something that invites new people to start learning about our industry.

Yes, Dad - this would even apply to you.


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