1 of 1 Billion

Apparently, ToolBarn.com is 1 page out of 1 Billion plus on the internet discussing tools. I'm sure there are lots of types of tools (web tools, power tools, photo tools, hand tools, blogging tools, David, etc.), but today Google says we're the best when it comes to tools. Thanks, Google. I appreciate the compliment.

Now, if I could just get those people to buy something. Yeah, head term conversion rates stink, but they're sure nice for branding. It's also causing yet more server load issues, so it's really good we went memcached heavy over the past few weeks so we can handle it without a terrible load on the database server.

That leads to the question... now that I've hit the biggest target in our industry, where do I go from here? The joys of doing SEO well on a big site. :)


StatMan said…
Congrats on being # 1. Just think, there are over a billion sites out there saying "We got beat!" I'd hate to be # 1 billion on the list. I'm sure they don't have server problems.
Anonymous said…
Very nice! I've got a question for you Brian if you don't mind. Is it good or bad when Google sees the keyword "Price" all over an e-commerce site? When I look at one of my sites in Webmaster Tools, "price" is at the top of my list in the "what googlebot sees" section. Good or bad or neither? I noticed toolbarn uses "price" a lot. Has that ever been an issue?
Brian Mark said…
I've never had a problem with that being on the page. After all, your users want to see that's what the price is, and the only way to really tell them is by stating it. Building your site for your users says to include that. Google needs to deal with it across every e-commerce site on the planet, so it should be just fine.
Anonymous said…
Ok , great, that make a lot of sense. Thanks for answering that for me.
Anonymous said…
I've been listening to your SEO blog since the beginning and I would like to congratulate you as well. As far as your next goal ... world domination! You're #1 in the U.S., but you're not even on the first page in most other countries. In Canada, for example, you're at #56 right now.

Brian Mark said…

That would only be a good goal if we actually sold outside of the US. Otherwise, it's totally wasted bandwidth.

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