Yeah... incrediblehelp, I mean Jaan Kanellis , blog tagged me. It took me a few days to get through my RSS feeds to see that he had done it, so here goes. 5 things you (probably) didn't know about me. 1. I never finished college. Much like Jaan, I didn't finish. In fact, I took 2 semesters of Chemical Engineering from UNL right out of high school, didn't really take a 3rd, then went through most of the management training at Radio Shack before going off and really getting into computers. I took some classes at Metropolitan Community College for web stuff later, although I just ended up helping other students (and the teachers) most of the time. 2. I play tennis. I started in grade school, didn't take it as serious as I should have in high school, didn't play in college at all, and took some years off. Last year I started up again and now play a couple of nights per week on an organized league. 3. I've built and mostly on my own. ...