Full Site HTML Validation - Coming Soon

If you've ever tried validating a large site (more than 100 pages), you know why I say that's a huge headache. Well, I'm getting ready to roll out a full-site HTML validation service. It'll do all the checks of the W3's validator, using their tools in fact. But what it does differently is validate all of your pages automatically without having to check each one individually, with follow-up checks available. You'll even be able to sort them by most or least errors.

Obviously I'm not going to be able to help everyone fix the errors, but I should be able to give them a list of errors to work from.

If you're interested in this service, I'll have a form up fairly soon to be notified when more beta testers are being accepted as well as when the full roll-out occurs. Until that happens, you won't be able to use HTML Monitor, just the W3 validator.


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