Troubleshooting MSN Checkout problems

We've been having some trouble with the checkout process on our sites over the past month.

First, we have been preparing a third party integration on ToolBarn (not even Offermatica, as that's been installed and running for a while now without problems) that caused SSL warnings in checkout. This lasted most of a business week, causing sales during that week to seem slightly "soft" (our term for below average.)

Secondly, Shoemoney had a $50 coupon for AdCenter (Microsoft's advertising platform for those not familiar with PPC). Well, I got it all up and running, and we immediately started having people calling in saying they were having problems with checkout. The oddball part here - they all have MSN as an ISP, most using MSN Explorer for a browser. So I'm left trying to figure out why. I mean, IE and FireFox are both used in our call center, and we've got the occasional Opera user testing it. I have a Mac to test things on as well. I also use Linux, so yet another test. So why is MSN a problem?

Well, I have my suspicions, but anyone that knows what MSN does that apparently nobody else does, I'd appreciate some advice here. Also, any MSN users that can test things as I make changes to verify that I got it working, that'd be helpful as well. I'm sure we can hook you up with something for your troubles. ;-)


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